Shoulder arthrosis is a common disease. Everyone faces symptoms of the early stages of this pathology. But one immediately turns to a specialist and undergoes treatment, preventing the disease from developing, while one starts it and faces serious problems. The information presented in the article will help determine the pathology at an early stage of development. You can learn how to treat arthrosis of the shoulder joint.
What is shoulder arthrosis?
Shoulder arthrosis is a painful change, the destruction of cartilage tissue. As the disease progresses, it becomes thinner. Thereafter, the damaged area is replaced by osteocytes. This destructive process is caused by inadequate nutrition of chondrocytes and violation of the production of substances such as elastin and collagen. To stop the destruction, it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner. Visit a doctor who will prescribe a competent comprehensive rehabilitation treatment.

Causes of disease development
There are many reasons for the appearance and development of pathology. Among the most important are:
- Physiological damage - fracture or dislocation;
- Overweight;
- Hormonal imbalances;
- Professional sports;
- Pathology of intrauterine development;
- Genetic predisposition.
In a young body, cartilage tissue regenerates more quickly. In adulthood, the body’s natural anabolic metabolic processes slow down. This increases tissue degeneration. For this reason, it is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, to undergo a course of treatment for shoulder arthrosis.
The first signs of shoulder joint arthrosis are associated with pain when the arm is pulled back or to the side. It shows itself most strongly in the morning and when weather conditions change. Pain is also observed when groping and with factors such as:
- Increased physical activity.
- Weight lifting.
- Hypothermia.
If the disease is not treated, pain in the shoulder joint begins to interfere during rest. Restrictions in movement are increasing. It becomes difficult to complete daily tasks. Contractions and crepitus develop gradually. This phenomenon is based on the formation of growths called osteophytes. With exacerbation, the shoulders swell, redness appears. There is an increase in temperature in the shoulder area.
Stages of the disease
Pathology has three stages of development. It is necessary to know how arthrosis of the shoulder joint manifests itself, what are the symptoms that are characteristic for each stage:
- First. It is indicated by excruciating pain. The painful and uncomfortable restraining sensations get worse at night. In this case, movement is unlimited.
- Second. In the process of moving the shoulder, one hears a buzz. Pain torments a person constantly. There are serious limitations in movement.
- Third. At this stage, the person begins to experience unbearable pain in the shoulder area. The arm is corrected in a comfortable and less painful position. Visually, X-rays show pathological defects.
The main difference between arthrosis of the shoulder joint from other diseases is the ability to not manifest itself, not to develop for a long period of time. The situation will worsen only in the presence of provoking factors.

Shoulder arthrosis can be diagnosed with a standard x-ray of the shoulder. Pictures were taken in two projections. Doctors determine the disease in the presence of factors such as:
- Narrowing of the joint space;
- Osteophyte formation;
- Bone sclerosis.
Under certain circumstances, other shoulder research methods are prescribed. Ultrasound to determine cartilage thickness, to assess soft tissue condition.
In the second stage of pathological development, an arthroscopy procedure is prescribed. This is an invasive research method. During its implementation, an endoscope is inserted into the shoulder cavity. Simultaneously with the study of tissue condition, bone growth was removed.
If available, ultrasound and x-rays can be replaced with MRI. This is a unique informative method for examining the body with arthrosis. This procedure allows you to assess the state of the bone structure, cartilage and ligaments, to understand how to treat shoulder arthrosis.
Along with standard instrumental methods, doctors prescribe urine tests, blood donations. This is necessary to detect inflammation.

Which doctor should I go to?
For an initial examination, you must visit a therapist. He studies the patient's condition, prescribes tests. Referral to other experts:
- Orthopedic Specialist;
- Rheumatology;
- Surgeons;
- Neurologist.
Upon receipt of this doctor's conclusion, test results, the therapist prescribes appropriate treatment for arthrosis of the shoulder joint. The acceptance of this specialist is indicated in the first stages of disease development. If the problem develops with complications and the inflammatory process manifests itself, a rheumatologist prescribes therapy.
The help of a neurologist may be needed if nerve bundle compression is observed. Surgeons perform interventions if the disease is advanced and requires intra-articular manipulation.
Medicine offers many effective treatments. To eliminate inflammation, pain, painkillers are prescribed. After the removal of acute inflammation, the doctor prescribes a course of strengthening and regenerating agents. To enhance the therapeutic effect, drug treatment is supplemented with diet, the use of alternative methods.

For effective and rapid treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint, specialists prescribe drugs of different pharmacological groups. They are necessary to restore damaged cartilage tissue, eliminate pain symptoms and improve the general well -being of the patient. The results can be achieved through the use of these drugs:
- Chondroprotectors. This is a medicinal preparation made from herbal ingredients. They effectively nourish cells. The drug is recommended for use in remission, during deterioration.
- Corticosteroid group. Medication can provide long -term relief from pain. This is an excellent solution for serious pathological stages. If you follow the scheme of a competent specialist, undergo complete treatment of diseased shoulder joints, you can reduce the pathological focus and restore cartilage.
- NSAIDs. Medications quickly relieve pain that manifests itself with degenerative changes. Relieves pain and inflammation allowing free movement.
Along with medications for internal use, the attending physician prescribes external treatment. We are talking about ointments and gels. They are rubbed directly into the inflamed area. Structured medical treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint efficiently relieves inflammation, relieves pain.

This surgical intervention is essential for factors such as:
- Less effect than previously prescribed and carried out conservative treatments;
- Incidence of complications;
- Manifestations of degenerative destructive changes.
If there is an irreversible change in appearance or function, arthroplasty is performed. The affected part is replaced with an artificial one through surgery. This is a complex operation that requires ideal professional qualifications from a physician.
Physiotherapy is the focus of attention to reduce the signs of shoulder arthrosis. After the main course of treatment, it is necessary to reduce pain and restore natural mobility. The following procedure is established:
- Cryotherapy for the affected area;
- Electrophoresis;
- Magnetic therapy.
You can achieve results from this form of treatment if you follow the rules. Physiotherapy is prescribed only in the absence of acute painful manifestations. The procedure must be performed by a highly qualified physician.

We are talking about physiotherapy training. Low -load gymnastics is prescribed in the early stages of pathology. This will relieve exacerbation attacks. It will allow you to heal a sore shoulder joint quickly. The standard training complex looks like this:
- The man sat down on a chair. Lock the brush in the lock. Some stretching is done forward and immediately backward. You need to do such a movement twice with a short pause.
- In the same position, you need to place your hands on your hips and relax. Next, you need to do 4-5 shoulder manipulations, moving in different directions.
- In the standing position, you should perform several blows with simultaneous abduction of the elbows behind the back. This is a great method to put a load on the spine, to train the entire shoulder area.
Exercising regularly will relieve pain for a long time and will restore shoulder mobility.
When deciding how to treat a shoulder joint, doctors often prescribe a course of massage. This will give results like:
- Improves tissue nutrition;
- Removal of edema;
- Tighten muscles;
- Elimination of pain.
If you entrust the massage to a professional, after a few sessions you can see a positive effect.

Traditional methods
Despite the rapid development of modern medicine, the treatment of shoulder arthrosis with folk remedies is considered relevant. Here are the most effective recipes:
- Compress with cabbage leaves. Reduces pain in arthrosis, eliminates inflammation and improves mobility. The method is easy to use. You need to attach the sheet to the sore shoulder and leave it overnight.
- Decoction of chamomile, nettle, burdock and calendula should be added to the bath.
- Hirudotherapy. It is an excellent choice for treating acute and chronic shoulder arthrosis. The procedure quickly restores blood circulation, relieving pain and swelling.
Despite the ease of use and flexibility of folk methods, you should not self -medicate. Treatment of chronic arthrosis of the shoulder joint with folk methods should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and understanding that there is no allergy to the components contained in the recipe.
Nutrition for arthrosis
Eating a simple diet is important to restore cartilage quickly. The body needs to be replenished with nutrients. The diet should contain the following foods:
- Fruit jelly.
- Bran.
- Beans of various kinds.
- Eggs.
- Room.
Vitamins are recommended. Eat small meals 4-5 times. To achieve a stable remission, this menu must be adhered to continuously.

Preventive measures aimed at eliminating arthrosis of the shoulder joint are based on the exclusion of factors that can trigger the disease. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and be active enough. It is important to follow these rules:
- Introduce moderate exercise every day.
- It is important to avoid being in the cold.
- Use chondroprotectors for shoulder pain.
- Lose the extra pounds.
- Avoid excessive physical work.
Following these rules will allow you to maintain health for many years. No shoulder arthrosis would be scary. This rule is important for people over the age of 45 and for those involved in professional sports.
Weight lifting is considered a major contraindication. If a person is diagnosed with shoulder arthrosis, and he or she works as a loader, he or she will need to change jobs. When buying goods in the supermarket, you should use a trolley and not burden your shoulders. It is contraindicated to engage in boxing, wrestling and bodybuilding.
Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is a disease that destroys the joints. In the absence of treatment and the use of medications, the cartilage tissue of the shoulder will gradually deteriorate. Movement will be limited, pain will appear. At the first symptom, you should immediately visit a doctor and undergo the prescribed course of treatment. In the early stages, the prognosis for recovery is good.